Supporting and Advocating For Neuro Rights

Freedom and Cognitive Liberty For Individuals Under Duress By Neurotechnology

“The Five Neuro Rights”

Neurorights Foundation report to the United Nations

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Support Group Advocacy For Victims Of Neurotechnology Without Consent


AI Neural Networks

High Permanence Computers (HPC) that can contribute to affecting an individuals neuro rights. HPC can be used to manipulate brain senses without actually knowing the processes are occurring.

AI neural network computers are closely tied to neurotechnology through their shared inspiration from the human brain. Here are some example explanations how AI and neurotechnologies are connected:

Neural networks in AI are modeled after the structure and function of the human brain. They consist of interconnected nodes (artificial neurons) that process information and learn from data, similar to how neurons in the brain transmit signals and form connections.

Both neural networks in AI and the human brain are capable of learning from experience. AI neural networks use algorithms like back-propagation to adjust their connections based on input data, mimicking the learning process in biological neural networks.

AI neural networks have provided insights into how the brain may process information and learn. Researchers in neuroscience can study AI models to gain a better understanding of neural mechanisms and brain functions, potentially leading to advancements in neurotechnology and brain-computer interfaces.

Neural network models developed in AI have practical applications in neurotechnology, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neuroprosthetics. These technologies use AI algorithms to interpret brain signals and facilitate communication between computers and the human brain, enabling new possibilities for medical treatments and cognitive enhancements but also can lead to the abuse of neurotechnologies.

Overall, the connection between AI neural networks and neurotechnology highlights the interdisciplinary nature of research in artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering. By bridging these fields, scientists and engineers can leverage AI-inspired approaches to develop innovative solutions for understanding and interacting with the human brain.

These super computing facilities play a crucial role in advancing scientific research, modeling complex systems, running simulations, and processing large amounts of data at incredibly high speeds.

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