Neurotechnology has become increasingly popular in recent years. Scientists and tech companies like Apple, Meta and Neuralink have used neurotechnology to recreate songs from users’ brain waves and translate thoughts using artificial intelligence. It also has the potential to alter someone’s thoughts and behaviors.

Article about the Colorado Privacy Act. Mental privacy, mental integrity and informed consent for neurotechnology use.

What are ‘neuro-strike weapons,’ and is Haley right that China is developing them?


Minnesota HF 1904 Mental privacy and integrity. Legislation adds criminal penalty for potential abuses or invasive practices in the use with neurotechnology. Crimes also such as unauthorized access or causing damage to computers with brain to computer interfaces. The right to mental privacy, the bill prohibits government entities from collecting data transcribed without informed consent.

Colorado HS 24-1058 The inclusion of biological data widens the scope of personal data that is protected under the amended Colorado Privacy Act. Protecting neurological data from being stolen data or misused. The Neurotechnology bill establishes a new concept of law in America. Protecting citizens rights from corporations, medical doctors, and governments from these issues without informed consent. The Colorado legislation impacts technological scientific, research companies and research institutions involved in scientific advancements that the public needs to be more aware of.

H.R.6570 – Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act of 2023

Neuro rights against illegal surveillance with neurotechnology also falls into Big tech companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others can be impacted by legislation related to surveillance and privacy, such as the “Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act.” These companies often collect and store vast amounts of data about individuals, raising concerns about privacy, surveillance, and potential misuse of personal information.

Legislation like the one proposed by Andy Biggs may include provisions that limit or regulate the gathering and sharing of personal data by big tech companies to protect individual privacy rights. It may also address issues related to government surveillance practices that could potentially impact these companies or the data they collect.